Our Mission

Made to Thrive exists to equip believers with practical habits and beliefs that help transform their lives and increase their impact for the

Kingdom of God

We are so excited to engage with you on a journey of experiencing the full freedom and abundance of Christ in every area of your life. We believe that the power of God and his word transcends just spiritual wellness in our lives and is meant to equip us for EVERY good work. (2 Tim 3:17)

We, Jeremy and Carla, have been married for 10 years and have three amazing kids Alivia, Elias, and Hudson. We both have had a passion for living life to its fullest since meeting one another over 13 years ago and God has taken us on a spectacular journey to show us his glory and teach us from life's experiences so that we could come alongside others and help them in their journey.

We feel very much like we can identify with Paul when we says in Phil 4:11-14, that he knows what it is like to live in plenty and in want but that in everything he has learned to be content. We have walked the road of loss when parents on both sides have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses and either have succumbed to their sickness or survived. We have faced failure and have had to wrestle through fear and shame to have victory, first in Christ, so we could exercise victory over our circumstances. And in the context of that victory, we have also experienced tremendous success and achievement that has allowed us to gain the understanding that we now seek to pass on.

It is as a result of the roads we have walked to get to where we are, that we are excited to journey with you so that you also can experience the same joy in freedom and abundance that we have in Christ!

Our Core Values

  • Courageousness
  • Integrity
  • Generosity
  • Intentionality
  • Purpose

Our Core Strategy

We are excited to help Christians everywhere experience the abundance of Christ in their life and equipping them for every good work.

The primary ways we do this is currently through:

What We Believe


The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the living, active, and divine Word of God. It is God's Word to us and it is HIS story. We believe God inspired the various authors and so while the individual books reflect the style and personality of the writer, the word can be fully relied upon as inerrant and the fully inspired Word of God.

God the Father

We believe God created the Universe and all that is in it. We believe that God is a loving God and Father who desires a relationship with his children. We believe that God cannot do anything that is not in consistency with his character and absolute holiness. We believe that God exists fully in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ the Son

Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, was Born of a virgin to become fully man and fully God, he lived a perfectly sinless life, he sacrificially gave up his life for us and thus took on himself the sins of the world. He was buried in a tomb and rose on the 3rd day to have victory over death and sin. He appeared to man before ascending to heaven where he remains at the right hand of God until his return at the end of time.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is given to us at the time of salvation and that it equips us and empowers us in our spiritual gifts and transforms our life through sanctification.



We believe we have been made in the likeness and image of God, we were created for relationship, and we are called according to God's purposes. We are unique and individually equipped by God for all good things.


We believe that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve and therefore sin is in all of mankind. This broke the relationship between man and God and thus created the need for a sacrifice to be made in order to restore that relationship that was broken. That is why God gave His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins so that relationship could be restored. We believe when we recognise that our relationship has been broken, we repent of our sins, and we accept and confess with our mouth that Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for our sin, then salvation is given freely to us by God's grace. Salvation is the free gift of God that cannot be earned but only received by Faith alone.


The Church

We believe the church of God is comprised of all of God's children who have accepted Jesus as their saviour and that we have been called to be God’s hands and feet to each other and the world. We believe that the body of Christ is called to meet regularly together so they can be equipped to do the work of Christ here on earth.